Tinne Vilhelmson-Silvén (SWE) and Paridon Magi (SWB). Breeder NIclas Magnusson

Jacqueline Brooks (CAN) and D-Niro (SWB). Breeder Christina Almström
Welcome to the Swedish Warmblood Association of North America – SWANA a non-profit organization dedicated to breeding and promoting Swedish Warmblood horses in North America. The breeding rules and standards of SWANA are consistent with those of the Swedish Warmblood Association (SWB). The stud book originates from the the very first inspections, developed in 1874. Strict rules for conformation, performance and character were implemented. The rules and regulations were further developed and received its official status in 1918 as that was the year the law mandating stallion owners to have their stallions inspected came in to effect. The stud book was created and the Swedish Warmblood Association was founded in 1928, the sole keeper of the SWB stud book.
photos by Sara Hellner

Märtha -Louise (SWB) by Malobet de Pleville – Wolfgang. Breeder Karl-Henrik Heimdahl

Cyklon 1083 (SWB) by Cardento – Cortus approved stallion and Shane Sweetnam (IRL). Breeder Anna-Karin & Bo Lindroos