Photos and Markings
In Sweden, a certified markings expert completes the markings diagram for registrations. Here in North America, our land mass is too large for a limited number of specialists to travel from farm to farm to note markings.
For SWANA to list the most accurate markings on a horse’s registration certificate, we ask that the owner provide two things:
- A set of photos (see instructions below), and
- A fully completed markings diagram (provided on the breeding certificate or on a separate MARKINGS FORM (see link)
The Photos
At a bare minimum, even for horses with no markings, we need the following photos:
- Photos of each side (front, left, right, back), showing all four feet clearly. It’s OK if it takes more than four photos to show all the feet from all four sides. The important thing is that we can see all leg markings for each leg from all four sides. If you take close up shots of legs/feet, please be sure to name what leg/foot is shown.
- At least one photo clearly showing the horse’s face from the front.
- At least one photo clearly showing the muzzle from the front.
- If the horse has any unusual markings, please include photos of those and name the part/area shown.
In all photos, the horse should be standing and should be clean and not wearing boots or wraps, and the area should be clear of obstruction, including tall grass. The horse should take up as much space as possible in each photo without being cropped. All markings should show up crisp and clear in the photos, leaving little room for doubt.
Blurry, poor quality, or very small photos are rarely usable. When sending computer printouts of digital photos, please send large (but still clear and detailed) images. Do not send “thumbnails” since those rarely provide the detail we need. If the photos you send are not detailed enough for us to use, we will have to request a new set of photos from you before we can continue processing the horse’s registration.
if using printouts – please write the name of the horse on the back of each photo, and do not staple the photos.
The Markings Diagram
Please take time and care with your markings diagram. Complete the diagram with the horse in front of you – do not rely on memory or photos. Please try to be as accurate as possible. Be sure to draw all white markings as they appear from all sides. Please use an outline to indicate markings. Do not color them in.