Swedish Warmblood News
The latest news in the Swedish Warmblood Community across the world.
Sign up for the Inspection Tour!
The Inspection Tour sign -up is open! Our judges Christina Olsson and Mikael Nolin from SWB in Sweden will be visiting four states this year starting September 14 at Keurwood Equestrian in Ontario Canada followed by Sunrise Stud in Colts Neck NJ, Rancho del Zorro in...
Cyklon 1083 (SWB) is licensed for SWANA
Valiant and driven to win, this son of Olympic Cardento is an internationally proven competitor. Bred in Sweden, Cyklon 1083 offered his rider tremendous athleticism, cat–like agility, careful technique and a very high degree of rideability. He has a great capacity to...
Zafferano 1325 (SWB) available in NA
The palomino stallion Zafferano 1325 (SWB) by Zaladin MI out of Baby Doll (SWB) – Bernstein (SWB) – Chagall (SWB) is once again being offered to North American breeders. For more information please see his stallion page
Ride Swedish with Daniel Zetterman and Lasse Berglund
Featuring top show jumper rider Daniel Zetterman (SWE) and Lasse Berglund (SWE), sport horse judge, breeder of top show jumpers, rider and trainer
WFFS testing through SWANA
Breeders! Are you thinking about having your mare tested for the genetic defect WFFS (Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome)? SWANA in conjunction with the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (VGL) at UC Davis is offering WFFS testing for $35/horse. In order to receive...
Ride Swedish event in TN
Ride Swedish event in NJ
Inspection Tour 2019
Breeders and riders! We are looking to determine the inspection sites for September 2019! Please let us know via e-mail to office@swanaoffice.org if you would like to host a site OR if you have any horses you would like to present. Any ages are welcome, from foals,...
Finding An Exceptional Horse – Farentino and Laura’s story
"The journey has really only started for this talented horse. Still young at 5-years old, we have some big plans for his future. In my experience with him, I really do think what Susan and I saw back in 2015 is what we got. All the things we loved about him as a baby...