by SWB | Jul 17, 2020 | Nyheter
The Digital Inspection Tour is open for sign-ups! Go to the digital inspection page above for more information and how-to. Foals, mares, yearlings and two-year olds may participate. Evaluation by a SWB appointed judge in Sweden via LIVE STREAMING using the RIDESUM...
by SWB | Jun 11, 2020 | Nyheter
The SWANA Inspection Tour has been cancelled for 2020. As our judges are from the Inspection Committe in Sweden, the travel arrangements are too uncertain on a practical level and may pose unnecessary health risks due to Covid19 for our judges at this...
by SWB | Apr 28, 2020 | Nyheter
Breeding your next SWB using one of the fab four! The latest issue available to everyone can be found RIGHT HERE! Read all bout our stallion service auction and how to bid! Van Vivaldi 1286 by Van Vivaldi – Olivi
by SWB | Apr 28, 2020 | Nyheter
View the line-up of these four fabulous stallions in our stallion service auction! Click on the image above and it will take you to the auction.
by SWB | Apr 6, 2020 | Nyheter
Stellar Swedish bloodlines laced with performance! Amorex 9051 by Amiral 764 – Maraton 600 is available via frozen semen for the 2020 breeding season. Check out his stallion page for more info.
by SWB | Feb 6, 2020 | Nyheter
The Stallion Test of 2020 is coming up this month! You can view the event live via Schedule to follow. For more information about the testing such as guidelines, test riders etc go to the following page: SWB Stallion Test info